Life After Saving the World
Life After Saving the World (formally known as Class Dismissed) is a hilarious new comedy web series centered around three grade school friends… Liz, Anne, and BJ. Liz, the outspoken and sassy tv extra, turned teacher, turned extra again, constantly finds herself in limbo between her acting, online dating disasters, and her new job as a class aid to the school's bully, Timmy…who's 8. Anne, the easy going, free spirited first grade teacher who, uses yoga and ti chi to teach her students Math and English, while trying to balance her best friend Liz's chaotic life dilemmas. Just when you think it can't get more dysfunctional, BJ, the lazy PE teacher by day and struggling comedian by night takes it to the next level. Abrasive and loud-mouthed, his entourage of tricks include using Liz and Anne as his comic material while trying to score dates with the mothers of the school. Nancy a nosey perfectionist, teacher and Principle Weaver who tries to keep this nutty school together, round out this crazy cast.
After years apart, Liz, Anne, and BJ find themselves reunited at the same elementary school…only this time they're in charge. And the teachers lounge is where it all goes down. What happens in the teachers lounge, stays in the teachers lounge. Liz, BJ, and Anne are the center of each episode with one hilarious circumstance after another. Hijinks, laughter, quick-witted banter, and lots of love, make this show the can't miss web series.
Crazy Daze (pictured left)
- 22 minute comedy pilot
A Day in the Life
- 22 minute comedy pilot